SRI will present a three hour
Innovation Workshop on Thursday. This workshop,
The 5 Disciplines for Innovation, is based on the book by SRI President and CEO Dr. Curt Carlson and co-author William W. Wilmot,
Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want, published in 2006. The book describes SRI's unique, disciplined approach to creating value. The workshop will include break-out teams, analysis of the team's work, and a guarantee that you will leave smiling because there is something for every entrepreneur and innovator to gain from this amazing workshop!
(Separate workshop registration is required)
Business Week dubbed SRI "Spin-Off City" - an innovation engine that creates new spin-off businesses to capitalize on technology developed at SRI and move it into the marketplace. Working with top-tier investment and venture capital firms, SRI and its subsidiary Sarnoff Corporation have formed about two dozen new ventures. Through "nVention", its innovative model for engaging VCs at the earliest stages of the venture creation process, SRI nurtures technology and business concepts to create funding opportunities.
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